Syli Philanthropic Gifts and Funds Acceptance Policy


This document sets out Syli CIC’s policy on philanthropic gifts and funds providing a framework for how we make decisions about accepting philanthropic gifts and funds. 

Consistency and transparency are key to philanthropic relationships and this policy outlines what this means in practice for Syli CIC, for the individual or organisations providing the gift or fund, and for the relationship between us. 


What we mean by philanthropic gifts and funds:

  • Donations from individuals in the UK and overseas

  • Donations and grants from charitable trusts in the UK and overseas

  • Donations from pecuniary legacy bequests

  • Pro-bono donation of services from an individual

This policy does not cover corporate partnerships and funding, including pro-bono donation of services from an organisation, these are covered in our Corporate Partnership Policy.

Our policy intends to ensure philanthropic gifts and funds are in keeping with our mission and vision, our social objectives, and our values:

  • Sustainability

  • Synergy

  • Equality

  • Transformation

Legal Context

Our policy aligns with the requirements of relevant UK legislation including: Bribery Act 2010, Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, Monday Laundering Regulations 2007.

Core principles for philanthropic gifts and funds

We won’t accept support that could compromise who we are and what we do. 

  • Transparency

We use clear, structured decision making processes across all aspects of our work, including making decisions around philanthropic gifts and funds, to ensure fairness and transparency. Other than in exceptional circumstances, such as to safeguard the right to privacy of an individual, we will list the source of our gifts and funds in our annual report where the gift or fund exceeds £5,000.

  • Strategic and operational independence

The terms and conditions of philanthropic gifts and funds must contribute to our strategic development and delivery but must not influence our plans in whole, or in part, nor determine our objectives or strategic priorities.

We will not accept philanthropic gifts or funds for activities inconsistent with our vision and missions or that will in any way place limits on our fundraising or sustainability.

  • Editorial independence

The terms and conditions of receipt of philanthropic gifts and funds must not determine what we think, decide, say, or publish. 

  • We retain full editorial independence at all times

  • We have full freedom to make decisions on selecting, editing, publishing, correcting, or withdrawing of content

  • Exclusivity

    Only within specific, time-bound, limited activities will we consider any form of philanthropic gift or fund where exclusivity is a required condition.

  • Ethical guidelines

We will not ally ourselves with any individual or organisation whose activities are likely to be, or seen to be, damaging to people, planet, or our reputation. This includes not accepting money from a source or activity that is:

  • Illegal

  • Unverifiable as to its source

  • Counterproductive to our vision and mission

  • Harmful to people or the planet

  • Opposed to or obstructive of an independent and free press

  • Non-conflicting interests

All our directors, staff, contractors, and volunteers disclose any interest that may conflict with their Syli CIC role. We will also consider whether a philanthropic gift or fund could present a conflict of interest before accepting it. A conflict can be summarised as activity that is or may be perceived to be contrary to:

  • Our goals

  • Our reputation

  • Our independence

  • Non-endorsement

We will provide appropriate recognition of any individuals and organisations who provide a philanthropic gift or fund but such recognition is not endorsement.

  • Use of name and logo

We hold final approval of all uses of our name, logo, and other identifying symbols. They may only be used by those giving a philanthropic gift or fund with our prior written consent and in a manner that furthers our vision and mission.

  •  Accountability

In the spirit of openness and mutual respect, we expect both parties to raise any concern that might arise about the behaviour of the other and its impact on the philanthropic relationship at any time during the relationship. Such concerns will be addressed through honest and respectful communications.

  • Freely given

All gifts and funds must be freely and willingly given by the individual or organisation.

Incompatible philanthropic gifts and funds

We do not accept gifts or funds from sources of wealth that come from:

  • Any source that is illegal, corrupt, or associated with criminal activity

  • The fossil fuel sector such as exploration, extraction, processing or sale

  • The tobacco sector

  • The arms sector

  • The adult entertainment (pornography) sector.

We will also not accept philanthropic gifts or funds in circumstances where we have a legitimate concern about accepting the gift or fund - including but are not limited to where there is a lack of commitment to,  poor track record on, and unwillingness to change relating to:

It is unlike we would be able to accept gifts or funds that fall into any of the following categories:

  • Land or property

  • Legacy bequests other than pecuniary bequests (donation of a fixed amount of money)

  • Personal property / items of value (such as art works, jewellery etc.)

  • Stocks, bonds, or shares

We will refuse gifts and funds when any of the following apply:

  • The cost of accepting the gift or fund will be greater than the value of the gift or fund

  • The offer is conditional on terms and conditions that:

    • Are contrary to our mission, vision, values, and social objectives

    • Will divert us from our established priorities

    • Require an unreasonable level of support from us

  • The giver is known or suspected to be vulnerable, lacking mental capacity, or lacking free will in making the decision to give the gift or fund (see Appendix 1)

If, after accepting a philanthropic gift or fund, we discover an incompatibility previously unknown to us, we may decide to return the gift or fund.

If we decide to refuse or return a philanthropic gift or fund we will act with discretion. We will maintain confidentiality where we can legally do so and respect the dignity of the individual or organisation offering the gift or fund.

Our process

Decision Making Authority 

All decisions regarding accepting philanthropic gifts and funds must be unanimously approved by Syli CIC’s executive directors.

For all new gifts and funds up to £5,000

In the interest of making best use of our limited internal resources we usually automatically accept philanthropic gifts and funds up to £5,000 in value unless we are already aware of an incompatibility.

For all new gifts and funds over £5,000

Prior to accepting a philanthropic gift or fund over the value of £5,000, we will complete our internal due diligence process and sufficient time must be allowed to enable us to complete this. We will consider and evaluate the proposed gift or fund in reference to our:

  1. Mission: including our strategic objectives, goals, and priorities. 

  2. Ethics and values: including our environment policy and code of conduct.

  3. Operations: including policies, budget requirements, timetables, responsibilities, evaluation and monitoring requirements.

  4. Requirements: the expected results or yields and whether these meet our needs.

  5. Resources: whether the human and financial resources needed to fulfil our obligations are available to us for the duration of the partnership.

In addition to the above we will evaluate the following relating to the individual or organisation offering the gift or fund:

  • Availability of resources: to enter into and fulfil the proposed gift or fund.

  • Interest and motivation: in supporting Syli CIC - including potential conflict of interest.

  • Compatibility: including their values, mission, activities and plans.

  • Risk level: including their reputation, capacity, financial stability and track record. We will establish if there are any known risks relating to the source of the income from a partnership because it is or may be:

    • Illegal

    • Unverifiable as to its source

    • Counterproductive to our vision and mission

    • Harmful to people or the planet

    • Opposed to or obstructive of an independent and free press

  • Added value: other benefits they may bring to Syli CIC.

Anonymous gifts and funds

We do not accept anonymous gifts or funds due to the inherent risks associated with them.

Delaying giving

Occasionally we may delay acceptance of a philanthropic gift or fund where there is a financial advantage, such as a tax advantage, to doing so. Such decisions will be made in full knowledge of the fact delay carries the risk that the gift or fund may be withdrawn. The financial advantage must be clearly explained to the potential giver in such circumstances.

Budgetary requirements

Before agreeing to accept a philanthropic gift or fund, we will consider expenditures and other obligations that the terms and conditions of acceptance place on us, including costs that will be incurred but cannot be paid from the gift or fund.


If we have concerns about whether a gift or fund is suitable, we will conduct a more detailed Ethical Appraisal Process looking at the nature of the proposed giving and the associated relationship, and what is in the best interest of Syli CIC and our vision and mission.

Written agreement

We will enter into a written agreement for all philanthropic gifts and funds prior to acceptance where there are terms and conditions attached to acceptance to ensure the terms, conditions, expectations and responsibilities are clearly established for both parties.

Appendix 1 - vulnerable individuals

We will ensure our fundraising through philanthropic gifts and funds meet the requirements of equality law, and upholds our own Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy. This means we will not discriminate against people with characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010 and other associated legislation.

We will take all reasonable steps to treat individuals fairly, so that they can make an informed decision about any gift or fund. However, we will also take into account the needs of any possible donor who may be in vulnerable circumstances or need extra care and support to make an informed decision to ensure we do not exploit the trust, lack of knowledge, apparent need for care and support or vulnerable circumstance of any donor at any time.

We will not accept a gift or fund if we know, or have good reason to believe, that a person lacks capacity to make a decision to give, or is in vulnerable circumstances which mean they may not be able to make an informed decision.

Among other things, we will consider:

  • any physical or mental-health condition the person may have;

  • any disability the person may have;

  • any learning difficulties the person may have;

  • whether the person is facing times of stress or anxiety (for example, following the death of a loved one or redundancy);

  • whether a donation is likely to affect the person’s ability to sufficiently care for themselves or leave them in financial hardship;

  • how well the person can communicate and understand what they are being told;

  • whether the person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs;

  • the person’s age.

The above considerations do not, by default, mean we cannot accept a gift or fund because the individual is vulnerable and/or lacks capacity in decision making. Rather, they are indicators that additional care and consideration is needed in decision making and we will make a decision in each case using the information available to us at the time.

If we become aware that a gift or fund is made while an individual does not have the capacity to make an informed decision, we will return the money to them.